Recently I have upgraded proce55ing to version 1.0.3.
And I tried to run a sketch “Particle Emitter” on FLIGHT404.
But I got this error:
"The method bindTexture(PImage) from the type PGraphicsOpenGL is not visible."
Because this sketch was built with v.135, it’s no longer available to call bindTexture().
So I found a solution.
Instead of
pgl.bindTexture( images.particle );
We can use this:
glParticle.bind(); glParticle.enable(); // rendering goes here glParticle.disable();
where images.glParticle is
Texture glParticle; glParticle = TextureIO.newTexture(new File(dataPath("particle.png")), true);
Finally, here is the fixed code in emitter.pde.
import com.sun.opengl.util.texture.*; class Emitter{ Vec3D loc; Vec3D vel; Vec3D velToMouse; float radius; Texture coronaTex; Texture emitterTex; Texture particleTex; Texture reflectionTex; color myColor; ArrayList particles; ArrayList nebulae; Emitter( ){ try { coronaTex = TextureIO.newTexture(new File(dataPath("corona.png")), true); emitterTex = TextureIO.newTexture(new File(dataPath("emitter.png")), true); particleTex = TextureIO.newTexture(new File(dataPath("particle.png")), true); reflectionTex = TextureIO.newTexture(new File(dataPath("reflection.png")), true); } catch (IOException e) { println("Texture file is missing"); exit(); // or handle it some other way } loc = new Vec3D(); vel = new Vec3D(); velToMouse = new Vec3D(); radius = 100; myColor = color( 1, 1, 1 ); particles = new ArrayList(); nebulae = new ArrayList(); } void exist(){ findVelocity(); setPosition(); iterateListExist(); render(); gl.glDisable( GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D ); if( ALLOWTRAILS ) iterateListRenderTrails(); } void findVelocity(){ Vec3D dirToMouse = new Vec3D( mouse.loc.sub( loc ).scale( .15 ) ); vel.set( dirToMouse ); } void setPosition(){ loc.addSelf( vel ); if( ALLOWFLOOR ){ if( loc.y > floorLevel ){ loc.y = floorLevel; vel.y = 0; } } } void iterateListExist(){ gl.glEnable( GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D ); int mylength = particles.size(); for( int i=mylength-1; i>=0; i-- ){ Particle p = ( Particle )particles.get(i); if( p.ISSPLIT ) addParticles( p ); if ( !p.ISDEAD ){ // pgl.bindTexture( images.particle ); particleTex.bind(); particleTex.enable(); p.exist(); particleTex.disable(); } else { particles.set( i, particles.get( particles.size() - 1 ) ); particles.remove( particles.size() - 1 ); } } if( ALLOWFLOOR ){ // pgl.bindTexture( images.reflection ); reflectionTex.bind(); reflectionTex.enable(); for( Iterator it = particles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ Particle p = (Particle); p.renderReflection(); } reflectionTex.disable(); } // pgl.bindTexture( images.corona ); coronaTex.bind(); coronaTex.enable(); for( Iterator it = nebulae.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ Nebula n = (Nebula); if( !n.ISDEAD ){ n.exist(); } else { it.remove(); } } coronaTex.disable(); } void render(){ // pgl.bindTexture( images.emitter ); emitterTex.bind(); emitterTex.enable(); renderImage( loc, radius, myColor, 1.0 ); emitterTex.enable(); if( ALLOWNEBULA ){ nebulae.add( new Nebula( loc, 15.0, true ) ); nebulae.add( new Nebula( loc, 45.0, true ) ); } if( ALLOWFLOOR ){ // pgl.bindTexture( images.reflection ); reflectionTex.bind(); reflectionTex.enable(); renderReflection(); reflectionTex.disable(); } } void renderReflection(){ float altitude = floorLevel - loc.y; float reflectMaxAltitude = 300.0; float yPer = 1.0 - altitude/reflectMaxAltitude; if( yPer > .05 ) renderImageOnFloor( new Vec3D( loc.x, floorLevel, loc.z ), radius * 10.0, color( 0.5, 1.0, yPer*.25 ), yPer ); if( mousePressed ) renderImageOnFloor( new Vec3D( loc.x, floorLevel, loc.z ), radius + ( yPer + 1.0 ) * radius * random( 2.0, 3.5 ), color( 1.0, 0, 0 ), yPer ); } void iterateListRenderTrails(){ for( Iterator it = particles.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ Particle p = (Particle); p.renderTrails(); } } void addParticles( int _amt ){ for( int i=0; i<_amt; i++ ){ particles.add( new Particle( 1, loc, vel ) ); } if( ALLOWNEBULA ){ nebulae.add( new Nebula( loc, 40.0, false ) ); nebulae.add( new Nebula( loc, 100.0, false ) ); } } void addParticles( Particle _p ){ // play with amt if you want to control how many particles spawn when splitting int amt = (int)( _p.radius * .15 ); for( int i=0; i<amt; i++ ){ particles.add( new Particle( _p.gen + 1, _p.loc[0], _p.vel ) ); if( ALLOWNEBULA ) nebulae.add( new Nebula( _p.loc[0], random( 5.0, 50.0 ), true ) ); } } }
Man thats hot! 🙂 thanks