

  1. プロジェクトを右クリックして[プロパティ]を選択
  2. [ビルドパス]の[ライブラリ]タブでjogl.jarの[Native library location]のところに、例えば C:processing-0125-expertlibrariesopengllibrary と入力する。
  3. さらに、JFrame 内でPAppletEmbedded として動作させるには、
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        JFrame f = new JFrame("Embedded");  
        f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
        PApplet embed = new <font color="blue">PAppletのクラス名</font><font>(); 
        f.add(embed, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
        f.setSize(DIM, DIM); 
        // important to call this whenever embedding a PApplet. 
        // It ensures that the animation thread is started and 
        // that other internal variables are properly set. 


Oasis car!

I saw the Oasis car that advertises their new album in Umeda.
When I just try to take a picture with my cellphone, the car began to move.
Therefore the photo is slightly blurred.
I was not aware of that the new album has been released, so I was excited about that!
There is no way that I won’t buy this album.