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FoxyCamera v1.0 is coming soon

Yesterday, I just sent a request of my iPhone app to register to the App Store.


FoxyCamera is an iPhone app that gives your iPhone a great functionality that you can easily take a panorama photo and scan a paper at anytime, anywhere.
For example, you can take photo like below:

FoxyCamera is implemented advanced image-processing technology called “Mosaicking”.
So like below image, you don’t need to turn the camera towards an entire object at once because FoxyCamera will generate a seamless image from plural captured images by the Mosaicking-technique.


Usage is very simple.
You only need to aim the camera towards an object you want to capture.
Even if the camera can’t capture the whole object at once, you can capture it partially by moving your iPhone slowly and horizontally.
After capturing the object, FoxyCamera merges frames captured partially into big seamless image.